Theme 2

Theme 2

Pre- and syn-eruptive monitoring

A significant percentage of the world population lives around volcanoes and is exposed to volcanic risks. Volcano monitoring is one of the actions required to reduce the risk and a means to understand the volcanic processes better. Volcanology is a highly interdisciplinary field, and nowadays, a considerable variety of monitoring techniques can be applied to volcanic systems, from geophysical to geodetic, petrological and geochemical methods. We invite contributions ranging from more traditional “in situ” monitoring to remote sensing tools. We would appreciate contributions not only related to the measurements but also to innovative data treatment. Volcano monitoring is a rapidly advancing field, and it is crucial to better understand the processes occurring inside volcanoes in both the pre- and syn-eruptive phases. Contributions aimed at innovative modelling and application of data science tools (e.g. machine learning), emerging technologies (e.g. drones), and strategies to integrate and model different monitoring data are welcome. We encourage the presentation of study cases with successful and not-so-successful episodes of eruption forecast, and discussions on unrest periods without culminating in volcanic eruptions are also welcome. Finally, we encourage submissions of session proposals related to all aspects of pre- and syn-eruptive processes, particularly those covering multidisciplinary approaches and comparisons. 

Theme leaders:

Freysteinn Sigmundsson

Luca D’Auria

Fatima Viveiros