Workshop 13

Workshop 13

Collaborative Technology Development in Volcanology 


    • Chris Hight 
    • Sarah Ogburn 
    • Angie Diefenbach 
    • Christina Widiwijayanti 
    • Einat Lev 
    • Sue Loughlin
    • Ben Andrews 

    The pace of technology advancement in volcanology has never been higher, with rapid development of statistical analysis, machine learning, data visualization, analysis software, process modeling and many more fields. However, technology development in volcanology often takes place in isolation as individual researchers, observatory scientists, and code developers work to solve problems specific to their interests or needs. There are rarely venues for these developers to network, to discuss common goals, and to share their work. This isolation often leads to duplication of effort and missed opportunities for collaboration. This workshop aims to bring software, model, database, sensor, website and other volcanological technology developers together to showcase their work in a series of demos or lightning talks; to discuss challenges; and to find areas of overlapping interest for collaboration. We hope to develop a working group and listserv to foster continuing collaborations.