Workshop 15

Workshop 15

Early Warning For All Workshop


  • Costanza Bonadonna (University of Geneva)
  • Matthew Hort (UK Met Office)
  • Jake Lowenstern (USGS – VDAP)
  • Galimira Markova (UNDRR)
  • Jonathan Stone (IFRC)
  • Andrew Tupper (Natural Hazards Consulting)
  • Muhibuddin Usamah (WMO)

Scientific Committee:

  • Charles Balagizi (Goma Volcano Observatory, DRC)
  • Sara Barsotti (IMO, Iceland)
  • Mariton Bornas (PHIVOLCS, Philippines)
  • Eisuke Fujita (National Research Institute for Earth Science & Disaster Resilience, Japan)
  • Sebastian Garcia (SEGEMAR, Argentina)
  • Erouscilla (Pat) Joseph (SRU, West Indies)
  • Lara Mani (University of Cambridge, UK)
  • Jacqueline Rivera (Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources, El Salvador)

Taking advantage of the IAVCEI Scientific Assembly being held in the home of international diplomacy, this in-person workshop will bring together key stakeholders in the global ‘Early Warnings For All’ effort, including the World Meteorological Organization (WMO), International Federation of the Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC), and the United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction (UNDRR). A scientific committee with regional representation will also support the identification key speakers, case studies and lessons learned.

The workshop seeks to advance multi-disciplinary understanding and application of volcanic hazards, their impacts and early warning. Impacts from volcanic events span many scales and include flooding, poor air quality, building damage including collapse, aviation and wider transport disruption, fires, and reduced agriculture output, etc. resulting in loss of lives and economic hardship. At the upper end of the eruption scale, volcanic eruptions can also cause major climate impacts with catastrophic global consequences. Nonetheless, most active volcanoes are not adequately monitored and lack comprehensive risk assessment and emergency management plans.

We are planning for an appropriate mixture of volcanologists, representatives from international agencies, hazard service providers, and other interested parties and experts.  

Places will be limited. If you would like to express your interest in being part of the workshop, please send an email to <>. Please include some information about yourself, your affiliation and your reasons for wishing to attend the workshop. Attendees will be expected to participate in the entire three-day workshop and to bear responsibility for their accommodation and transport costs, although some financial assistance may be available for a limited number of participants.  If you are likely to require assistance in order to be able to attend, please note that in your expression of interest.