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Workshop 8

Towards Inclusive Collaboration: Reflections and discussion on engagement in global volcanology, organised by IAVCEI-INVOLC


  • Ma. Antonia Bornas
  • Karen Fontijn
  • Victoria Miller
  • Gezahegn Yirgu

Goal: To promote effective research collaboration in global volcano science through raising awareness and development of strategies to nurture best-practice in our discipline. 

Structure: Participants would be sent a series of papers and a set of reflection questions for digestion prior to the workshop. The publication list will include IAVCEI protocols e.g. Interaction During Volcanic Crises, Guidelines for Best-Engagement, as well as reports on relevant case-studies. The workshop will be framed by a selection of presentations, including from representatives of Low-Middle Income Countries, to then promote discussion on specific areas of reflection during breakout sessions e.g. parachute science, global inequality. Following the breakout groups we will come together to share perspectives with the wider group. At the end of the workshop we will develop our key indicators for inclusive collaboration, benchmark our current status and put together a list of strategies to grow inclusive collaboration in global volcano science.