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Workshop 9

Hands-on with the Volcanology Infrastructure for Computational Resources and Tools (VICTOR)


  • Sylvain Charbonnier, University of South Florida
  • Einat Lev, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory
  • Charles Connor, University of South Florida
  • Abani Patra, Tufts University
  • Sam Krasnoff, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

We will train participants to use our new cloud-based cyber infrastructure for volcanology which enables users to run models of volcanic processes and utilize workflows that build on these models for data inversion, model inter-comparison and benchmarking, uncertainty quantification, and hazard forecasting. We welcome all model users and developers to come and work together to learn how to: 1) use existing codes and workflows, 2) bring new codes onto the platform, 3) connect them with existing utilities, and 4) write user-friendly workflows. Lava flow, tephra fallout, and PDC workflows will also be demonstrated.