Field trips

Field trips

The IAVCEI25 Organizing Committee has organised a number of field trips visiting some of the most exiting volcanic and plutonic systems in Europe. The volcanic field trips take place prior to the SA, the plutonic field trips after the SA. Further details (including the program, topics covered, dates and costs) can be accessed through the links below.


You must first complete the conference registration before you will be able to book a place on a field trip. 

Bookings must be made by the 28 February 2025

The field trips require a minimum number of participant to take place. If  field trip is cancelled, you will be fully refunded or given the option to transfer to a different field trip.

01 Chaines Des Puys 1

01 – The monogenetic volcanism of the Chaine des Puys, Massive Central, France

When: Pre-conference, 22-29 June 2025

Leaders: L. Gurioli, A. Harris, B. Van Wyk de Vries, H. Balcone-Boissard, N. Cluzel, D. Laporte, E. Médard

Cost: 400 EUROS

Detailed information about the trip is available here

02 – The Eifel volcanic field, Western Germany

When: Pre-conference, 24-28 June 2025

Leaders: N. Richter, U. Kueppers

Cost: 400 EUROS

Detailed information about the trip is available here

02 Eifel

03 Etna Aeolians

03 – Mt. Etna and Aeolian Arc active volcanoes (Stromboli, Vulcano and Lipari), Italy: geology, eruptive activity and volcanic hazards

When: Pre-conference, 22-28 June 2025

Leaders: F. Lucchi, E. Nicotra, S. Branca, G. De Astis

Cost: 950 EUROS

Detailed information about the field trip available here

04 – Exploring Vulcano Island, Italy: from chrono-stratigraphy to hazard assessment and risk management associated with Vulcanian and phreatic eruptions

When: Pre-conference, 24-28 June 2025

Leaders: F. Di Traglia, M. Pistolesi, C. Bonadonna

Cost: 550 EUROS

Detailed information about the field trip available here

04 Vulcano

05 Napoli Vesuvio

05. The city of Napoli and its active volcanoes, Italy

When: Pre-conference, 22-27 June 2025

Leaders: R. Isaia, R. Cioni, G. Giordano, R. Sulpizio

Cost: 800-850 EUROS

Detailed information about the field trip available here

06. The Monts-Dore-Sancy stratovolcano, Massif Central, France

When: Post-conference, 5-11 July 2025

Leaders: E. Médard, A. Harris, G. Boudoir, L. Arbaret, N. Cluzel, L. Gurioli

Cost: 400 EUROS

Detailed information about the field trip available here

06 Mt Dore Scancy

07 Ivrea Adamello

07. Plutonic-volcanic links: Field trip to transcrustal magmatism (Ivrea zone) and the tertiary calc-alkaline Adamello batholith (Italy)

When: Post-conference, 5-9 July 2025

Leaders: O. Müntener, P. Ulmer

Cost: 600 EUROS

Detailed information about the field trip available here

08. The Tuscan Quaternary-Miocene magmatic-hydrothermal transect (Italy)

When: Post-conference, 5-9 July 2025

Leaders: A. Dini, Z. Zajacz

Cost: 525 EUROS

Detailed information about the field trip available here

08 Tuscan

09 Western Alpes Mt Blanc

09. Paleozoic magmatism in the Western Alps (Mont-Blanc & Aiguilles-Rouges Massifs, France and Switzerland)

When: Post-conference, 5-8 July 2025

Leader: F. Bussy

Cost: 500 CHF

Detailed information about the field trip is available here